Beautiful Effective Positive Affirmations for Sharing

Positive affirmations

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Self-assurance is an unpleasant subject for some people. Perhaps you’re a person who doesn’t know how to feel good without other people’s corroboration. If so, it’s especially difficult when you find yourself in a living or work situation wherein the people around you seem to do whatever they can to disparage you. In those instances, it might feel like it’s impossible to keep a positive outlook.

Ways to Seek Positive Affirmations for Self-Assurance

Seek out social media peeps, but use caution!

I think the most obvious modern choice is to open up accounts on social media. That’s actually a great idea, but, be sure to determine if someone you meet is there for business purposes or looking for friendship or both. You might also try to befriend at least a few people in your geographical location for possible meetups at a local restaurant for breakfast. If you have a cell phone with access to the internet, chances are you have access to social media in the palm of your hand. How easy is that?

Of course, we must take into account that those of us with social anxiety even have trouble connecting with people on social media but it’s still much easier. Just remember to keep your emotional boundaries in check or social media can wreak havoc with them. That’s because marketers know that emotions sell products and get the most attention, so it’s actually a good place to exercise personal boundaries.

Personally, I can’t stay on social media for more than about half an hour at a time or I start tearing up or get angry. As a result, I’ve learned to filter out some of the noise but the best cure is to limit my time on the venues. So, you might want to consider that tactic.

There are tons of support groups online where you meet kindred spirits and start lines of communication with those you grow to trust. What’s really cool is the feedback you can get from your new online friends for honest feedback about your online appearance. So, don’t be afraid to make changes if you think they apply to you. However, the important piece here is that you make that choice. Don’t let anyone make it for you.

Be mindful about sharing your vulnerability.

It’s a nice way to improve your online presence and your own self-confidence at the same time. However, use caution before exposing your vulnerability to those who do not yet deserve it. This only requires a little mindfulness on your part to screen people for their level of sensitivity.

“If we can share our story with someone who responds with empathy and understanding, shame can’t survive.”

― Brené Brown, Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

But keep asking questions when you meet someone new, even if it’s personal feedback about you. If you think about it, their answer might give you an insight into them that you did not otherwise have which is another good tactic to get to know someone better.

Use messaging to stay in contact with loved ones.

One of the most common reasons for getting a little blue is because you are far away from family and friends. However noble your reason may be for the separation, it’s not pleasant for most people but there are ways to deal with it. Boy, we have had our fair share of distancing during the past few years, haven’t we? No one saw COVID coming and it’s making an indelible permanent impact on our entire worldwide society.

So, pick up the phone and make calls to keep lines of communication open with those you love. Keep your contact list updated and send random texts of cheer and inspiration to everyone on your list.

If you experience phone anxieties as I do, go ahead and use the online messaging systems instead. Use Skype, Facebook Messenger, or any other face-to-face software as a service. It makes your separation anxiety easier to deal with when you are in touch with your loved ones. Immensely easier. So relax and set up your devices for a better level of communication.

Continue to search for ways for self-assurance and to open up lines of communication with people in your life and with new people as well. Remember, we are all in this world together and no time is better than now to fully understand that we are one human race! Stay positive, stay strong, and stay safe.

Changing Difficult People Is Not Your Job

The facts are that no matter where you go, you are taking yourself with you. Furthermore, it isn’t your job to change difficult people. It is, however, your job to teach yourself how to deal with difficult people without allowing harm to yourself.

Furthermore, we all most likely agree that loveless acts by perpetrators are not always personal but it still hurts our self-assurance. Of course, there are many grey areas when it comes to affairs of the mind. In fact, we often have no way of knowing what the “difficult person” is going through. At the same time, it’s none of our business unless they open up about it.

None-the-less, our job remains to look in the mirror and change that person’s response to unpleasant situations.

However, if you’re feeling down or think there’s no hope for something you are going through, fight loneliness and despair while increasing your self-assurance with positive affirmations.

Ecard Self-Assurance Affirmations: I am a confident person because…

These Ecards open up in a light box and you may scroll through them. As you are scrolling through them in the light box, when you find one you like, “Right Click” and you will get a pop-up box. Scroll down that box and click on “Share” to get another pop-up box to share them to the social media venue of your choice! If that doesn’t work, then simply “right-click” and “Save-As” to your device. Enjoy.


It is our wish that you find this post enlightening and helpful. If you have any questions or suggestions, we love to hear from you in the comments below. Also, kindly accept our invitation to join our group on Facebook to surround yourself with kindred spirits and post your encouraging messages

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This post may also include a YouTube video for which I do not claim ownership. It is for entertainment and educational purposes only. 



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Susan Daniels

Susan Daniels

As someone who is on my own journey of healing, I know how important it is to seek out guidance and understanding. This website is for just that – an inclusive resource for anyone, regardless of their background, who wants to embark on a lifestyle journey of healing and personal growth.

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