Lemongrass Essential Oil • Cymbopogon Flexuous

Lemongrass Essential Oil • Cymbopogon Flexuous

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Lemongrass essential oil (scientifically known as Cymbopogon flexuous in pure form) is extracted from the lemongrass plant. It is an evergreen perennial plant, native to Southeast Asia. The long aromatic leaves of the lemongrass plant are used to extract lemongrass essence through steam distillation. It has a strong, grassy, lemon aroma.

Lemongrass essential oil is commonly used in perfumes, soaps, detergents, and other personal care products. It is edible oil. You can use this oil in food in small quantities.

It is popularly used in aromatherapy to relieve stress. You can also use this oil to treat anxiety by smelling in the air with diffused lemongrass essential oil. In addition to providing relief from stress, it makes the overall room environment moist and purifies the air by reducing musky aromas.

Key constituents of lemongrass essential oil include: Geranial, Geraniol, Neral, and Geranyl acetate.

Lemongrass Essential Oil • Cymbopogon Flexuous

Antibacterial and other health benefits.

Lemongrass essential oil has antibacterial properties. It prevents infection and heals wounds. It is also known to be effective against some drug-resistant bacteria. These drugs-resistant such as bacteria causing pneumonia, blood infections, skin infections and intestinal infections.

Lemongrass contains compounds that fight inflammation. It also helps to prevent serious health problems caused by chronic inflammation. This may prove to be effective for arthritis, and cardiovascular disease. It is an effective deterrent against fungi that cause ringworm, athlete’s foot and jock itch.

Lemongrass essential oil fights free radicals in the body, demonstrating antioxidant properties. It relieves gingivitis and some non-surgical detail problems. It also helps relieve nausea when used in aromatherapy or taken as a constituent in herbal tea supplements.

This essential oil also helps avert digestive problems, stomach pain, and gastric ulcers. It may also help slow down diarrhea. Many people use it traditionally to control high cholesterol levels. Thereby, preventing the risk of heart attack or stroke. It lowers blood sugar levels and increases good cholesterol levels. Therefore, it has anti-inflammatory properties so you can use it as a pain reliever.

Skin and hair benefits.

Lemongrass oil also has skin and hair benefits. It may help mitigate hair dandruff. It also reduces oil when applied to oily skin but does not turn the skin dry. This oil can fight acne by working against the bacteria causing pimples.

Lemongrass oil has antioxidant properties. It reduces free radicals on the skin and purifies skin by removing impurities. It makes hair look thicker. You can use this oil to rinse your hair or as a shampoo or conditioner.

Aromatherapy and mental health.

Lemongrass oil not only has skin and health benefits, but it also has spiritual and mental health benefits. Commonly used for aroma therapy, Lemongrass oil enlightens mood and attract positive vibes. You can also drink it with herbal tea. This will help to feel more confident and optimistic.     

  • Lemongrass oil when used in aromatherapy helps alleviate stress and anxiety.
    • Lemongrass contains ingredients that help in improving mood, appetite, sleep, and cognitive functioning.
    • It helps palliate pain caused by headaches and migraines.
    • It may improve the menstrual cycle.
    • This oil purifies the air from musky or bad odors.
    • Lemongrass oil when diffused in damp environments can change the atmosphere to a purified one, alleviating musky aromas.
    • You can use Diluted lemongrass oil as perfumed skin by applying it to the forearm.

Inspirations for use of lemongrass oil.

Lemongrass oil is an oil with extraordinary benefits. Below, you will find a list of useful ways that you can use:

  1. You can keep Lemongrass oil in a dark bottle and protected from sunlight and heat.
  2. You can also keep this oil in an air-tight bottle as oxygen in the air may react. It can also affect its composition.
  3. You can use this in aromatherapy. Either sprinkle some drops of the oil on a cloth or towel and smell it or add few drops of it in the diffuser.
  4. Diluted lemongrass oil can be massaged on temples to help relieve headaches.
  5. You can mix this with a carrier oil like jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, coconut oil, or avocado oil.
  6. The lemongrass essential oil should be diluted such that the carrier oil is 3 parts and lemongrass oil is 1 part in the solution.
  7. You can use this in small amounts of food and sprinkle over salad. It can also add flavor to marinades, curries, soups, and stir-fries.
  8. You can add it to boiling water to take steam from it.
  9. When used in topical form, it enhances massage after activity.
  10. This essential oil has skin-cleansing properties when applied topically.
  11. It works well with some other massage oils.
  12. You can use this oil as a spritz to freshen carpets and furniture when used as an aqueous solution. 
  13. You can use it to clean dishes and laundry. When used in small amounts, like 3-4 drops for a sink full of dishes or a load of laundry.

What you should know about lemongrass oil.

Lemongrass essential oil is highly concentrated so small amounts are sufficient to add flavor and aroma to the food.

There is not a lot of research on lemongrass essential oil, so its dosage is still unknown. But it should vary depending on age, health conditions and some other factors. It is surely a natural product with so many benefits but still one should take precautionary measures before applying it. For instance, essential oils are flammable so they should be kept away from open flame.

With the help of this article, I aim to spread positivity and optimism. Lemongrass oil, with all its benefits, is natural and useful for meditation while reducing stress. Spirit, mind, and body balance lead to good mental health for a more fulfilling life. Learn with Beautiful Lives where together we light the way.


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Susan Daniels

As someone who is on my own journey of healing, I know how important it is to seek out guidance and understanding. This website is for just that – an inclusive resource for anyone, regardless of their background, who wants to embark on a lifestyle journey of healing and personal growth.

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