Beautiful Souls Life is a site for people who suffer from PTSD. With this Post Traumatic Stress Disorder FAQs page, I hope to answer the basic questions you might have about this topic.
In an effort to provide you with what you need to start your research, below, you will find questions, answers, lists, and videos. This is in addition to a national resource list at the bottom.
Post traumatic Stress Disorder FAQs Share on XThere’s a lot of symptoms that accompany PTSD, such as depression, anxiety, and sleeplessness. Of course, that’s only naming a few. So, if you can relate to these, I invite you to continue reading this page to learn more about Post-traumatic Stress Disorder FAQs. I refer to PTSD in posts and how my life has been affected by it. But, by design, this site is for healing from traumatic experiences – whatever they may be.
What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?
PTSD is a disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event.
It is natural to feel afraid during and after a traumatic situation. Fear triggers many split-second changes in the body to help defend against danger or to avoid it. This “fight-or-flight” response is a typical reaction meant to protect a person from harm.
Nearly everyone will experience a range of reactions after trauma, yet most people recover from initial symptoms naturally.
Those who continue to experience problems may be diagnosed with PTSD. People who have PTSD may feel stressed or frightened even when they are not in danger.
VIA NIMH National Institute of Mental Health
What is Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder?
Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) is a syndrome that happens when events occur that involve repeated, prolonged trauma with harm or abandonment by a caregiver or other interpersonal relationships with an uneven power dynamic.
How Does Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Happen?
PTSD might develop when someone witnesses or is closely affected by these events.
- Someone close dies.
- Divorce or sudden separation.
- Move from one home to another.
- Domestic violence in the home.
- Violence and physical injury in war.
- Beaten, mugged, or raped.
- Automobile accident.
- Abusive circumstances at work.
- Sexual abuse of any kind.
What Are Some of the Signs of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder?
PTSD might be present when the following events happen:
- Problems sleeping, reoccurring nightmares.
- Having flashbacks, bad memories of the event.
- Paranoia, being scared or startled easily.
- Feeling irritable or mad easily.
- Uncomfortable reactions to daily activities, avoidance of routine activities.
- Won’t talk about traumatic events, a general feeling of the world being dangerous.
- Adverse reactions to crowds, feelings of detachment, emotional numbness, inability to concentrate.
- Lack of feelings or emotions toward others.
NIMH » Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder | Psychology Today
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) | Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA
Relationships and PTSD – PTSD: National Center for PTSD
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