1 Powerful Meditation – Nam Myoho Renge Kyo – Tina Turner

1 Powerful Meditation – Nam Myoho Renge Kyo – Tina Turner

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The Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Chant as done by Tina Turner is what you’ll be listening to when you scroll to the bottom of this post. You will also find the actual words to the chant below. Interestingly, this is a type of meditation that involves chanting.

What an amazing world we live in where all cultures come together to share their tradition with others. Don’t you think it is truly worth everyone’s time to learn about other cultures and interesting meditation techniques? Also remember, when we heal ourselves, we contribute to the healing of the world.

Devotion to the Mystic Law of the Lotus Sutra

Who wants to be stuck in a rut with one meditation technique only? Not me! I want to explore all avenues of healing and relaxing for the rest of my life. So, I invite you to open your mind and chant with the great Tina Turner. To that end, you will find both the video and the words to the Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Chant below. Enjoy my friend!

1 Powerful Meditation – Nam Myoho Renge Kyo – Tina Turner Share on X

This chant is translated as Devotion to the Law of the Lotus Flower Scripture and approximately translated as Devotion to the Mystic Law (karma) of cause and effect that exists throughout all the sounds and vibrations of the universe.

It is a potent mantra that is recited as the central practice of all forms of Nichiren Buddhism. This amazing mantra was first disclosed by the Japanese Buddhist teacher Nichiren on the 28th day of the fourth lunar month of 1253 AD at Kiyosumi-dera, close to Kominato in current-day Chiba, Japan.

Mantras Meditation

• Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Chant • Original Text With English Significance

Ho ben pon dai ni — Skillful Ways.
Ni Ji Se Son — There the World-Honored One.
Ju San Mai — Quietly came up.
An Jo Ni Ki — From his samadhi.
Go Shari Hotsu — And said to Shariputra.
Sho Bu’ Chi E — The wisdom of the Buddhas.
Jin Jin Mu Ryo — Is profound and cannot be measured.
Go Chi E Mon — Its gate is hard to understand.
Nange Nan Nyu — And difficult to enter.
Is Sai Sho Mon — No Shravaka-Disciple.
Hyaku Shi Butsu — Or Self-taught buddha.
Sho Fu No Chi — Can understand it.
Sho I Sha Ga — Why is that? (because!)
Butsu Zo Shin Gon —the present Buddhas attended on many.
Hyaku Sen Man Noku — hundreds of thousands of billions
Mu Shu Sho Butsu — Of past Buddhas.
Jin Gyo Sho Butsu — And practiced the many teachings.
Mu Ryo Do Ho — Of those Buddhas bravely and energetically.
Yu Myo Sho Jin — To their far-flung fame till they attained.
Myo Sho Fu Mon — The profound Law.
Jo Ju Jin Jin — Which you’ve never heard before.
Mi Zo U Ho — And also because they are exposing.
Zui Gi Sho Setsu — The Law according to the capacities.
I Shu Nan Ge — Of all living beings a way that the intention is hard to understand
Shari Hotsu — Shariputra!
Go Ju Jo Butsu I Rai — Since I became Buddha, I also.
Shu Ju In Nen — Have been stating various teachings.
Shu Ju Hi Yu — With different stories of previous lives.
Ko En Gon Kuyo — Various parables, and various similes.
Mu Shu Ho Ben — I have been leading all living beings.
In Do Shu Jo — With countless expedients.
Ryo Ri Sho Jaku — In order to save them from materialism.
Sho I Sha Ga — Because I have the power.
Nyo Rai Ho Ben — To employ skills.
Chi Ken Hara Mitsu — And the power to perform.
Kai I Gu Soku — The Paramita (reached goal of wisdom) of insight.
Shari Hotsu — Shariputra!
Nyo Rai Chi Ken —The insight of the Tathagatas.
Ko Dai Jin Non — Is wide and deep.
Mu Ryo Mu Ge — They have all the states of mind.
Riki Mu Sho I — Towards countless living beings.
Zen Jo Ge Da’s’ San Mai — unchecked intelligence, powers.
Jin Nyu Mu Sai — Fearlessness, dhyana-concentrations.
Jo Ju Is Sai — Liberations, and samadhis. They entered.
Mi Zo U Ho — Deep into no limits, and attained the Law which you’ve never heard before.
Shari Hotsu — Shariputra!
Nyo Rai Nyo Shu Ju Fun Betsu —The Tathagatas divide the Law.
Gyo Ses Sho Ho — Into various teachings, and state.
Gon Ji Nyu Nan — Those teachings so gently and skillfully.
Ek Ka Shu Shin — That living beings are delighted.
Shari Hotsu — Shariputra!
Shu Yo Gon Shi — In short, the Buddhas attained.
Mu Ryo Mu Hen — The countless teachings.
Mi Zo U Ho — Which you’ve never heard before.
Bus Shitsu Jo Ju — No more.
Shi — Will I say.
Shari Hotsu — Shariputra.
Fu Shu Bu Setsu — Because of the Law.
Sho I Sha Ga — attained by the Buddhas.
Bus Sho Jo Ju — Is the highest Truth.
Dai Ichi Ke U — Rare to hear and hard.
Nan Ge Shi Ho —To understand.
Yui Butsu Yo Butsu — Only the Buddhas attained.
Nai No Ku Jin — The highest Truth, that is.
Sho Ho Jis So — The Reality of All Things.
Sho I Sho Ho — In regards to.
Nyo Ze So — Their appearances (form? shape? size?).
Nyo Ze Sho — Their natures (essence).
Nyo Ze Tai — Their embodiments (present incarnation).
Nyo Ze Riki — Their powers (potentiality also possibilities).
Nyo Ze Sa — Their activities (function or role).
Nyo Ze In — Their primary causes (obvious cause).
Nyo Ze En — Their environmental causes (process).
Nyo Ze Ka — Their effects (latent or hidden effect).
Nyo Ze Ho — Their requital (final outcome or return).
Nyo Ze Hon Ma’ Ku Kyo To — And the combination of these over and over again.

• Video •Tina Turner • Nam Myoho Renge Kyo 2-Hour Buddhist Mantra

Out from the first ‘Beyond’ CD, Tina Turner chanting the Buddhist mantra Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. I have no rights to this video. It is for educational and informational purposes only.

I hope you enjoy the Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Chant and that it brings peace and harmony into your life. If you have any questions or suggestions, we love to hear from you in the comments below. Also, kindly accept our invitation to join our group on Facebook to surround yourself with kindred spirits and post your encouraging messages.

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This post may also include a YouTube video for which I do not claim ownership. It is for entertainment and educational purposes only. 



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Susan Daniels

As someone who is on my own journey of healing, I know how important it is to seek out guidance and understanding. This website is for just that – an inclusive resource for anyone, regardless of their background, who wants to embark on a lifestyle journey of healing and personal growth.

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