4 Spectacular House Plants that Won’t Make Your Cat Sick

4 Spectacular House Plants that Won't Make Your Cat Sick

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Plants and Cats, the relationship can be either toxic or healthy. We guess you want to make it healthy, right? But how? Well, it’s easy! Just know the plants. Yet, you might only be aware of the unhealthy plants for your kitty. Therefore, today we bring you information about house plants that are healthy for cats.

Catnip | Silver Vine | Cat Thyme

Get Catnip, silver vine, and cat thyme around your house. Apart from being safe, they are super healthy for your feline. Is your cute kitty sometimes a bit irritable or moody? Congrats, you got a solution! These plants stimulate your cat to drastically lower stress levels and boost mood.

Though, Catnip being the most well-known stimulant of all three, only about 65% of the cats respond to the Catnip. On the contrary, 8 out of 10 cats are responsive to Silver Vine.

Just in case either your kitty reacts to catnip, or you are unable to find a silver vine, you may try cat thyme. Primarily, the only downside of cat thyme is – some humans find its fragrance unpleasant. Still, similar to catnip and silver vine, cat thyme can wave away the bad mood of your cat’s day.

The best part about these plants is that they are easy to grow and maintain; for one reason, because they grow slowly. What’s next? Get a seed pouch or a sapling to begin growing your plant and gift it to your kitty fur baby.

Good Grass

Cats prefer both Lemongrass and cat grass. The thin and long grass blades may be satisfying for cats to chew and play with them. Also, many homeowners grow lemongrass for its refreshing smell, and the natural cooking uses it offers.

However, cat grass is nothing but any form of grass that’s safe for cats to rub noses with. Cat grass may even involve barley, oat, and wheat grasses. All in all, kitties love grass, and so it deserves to be on this list.

(*Note: While lemongrass works for cats in small amounts, lemongrass essential oil can be harmful.)

Similar to Lemongrass, you and your cat both can benefit from herbs. Besides being safe, herbs like parsley are nutritious for your fur baby, and rosemary acts as a natural flea repellent, too! So, herbs are a win-win for you and your fur friend.


Valerian – a good-feel plant! It behaves like a stimulant too for your fur baby. If you got Valerian at your house, your cat might thank you for its natural energy. Not only are Valerian plants safe, but they also uplift your kitty’s mood.

Fun Fact: If your cat seems overweight, Valerian may be just what your cat needs to get a dose of refreshing and healthy exercise.

Spider Plants

Looking for something beautiful and house friendly? Bring on a spider plant! A spider plant is a vibrant green, flaunting a captivating and symmetrical shape. Its tall, thin, and bouncy leaves are desirable to furry friends. Plus, similar to catnip, spider plants have cat-loving stimulant qualities.

So, go and get the greens! Also be certain to always keep house plants that are healthy for cats in your home. Your cat might just give a little more kneading for the nice plants! Here’s to our fur babies whether they be cats, dogs, hamsters, or pigs. We love them like our own children and there’s not much we wouldn’t do for them. So, let’s promise ourselves to provide a safe and healthy intimate environment for them. Our fur babies are worth it.


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Susan Daniels

As someone who is on my own journey of healing, I know how important it is to seek out guidance and understanding. This website is for just that – an inclusive resource for anyone, regardless of their background, who wants to embark on a lifestyle journey of healing and personal growth.

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