Arborvitae essential oil is a very popular oil for its amazing skincare benefits. Not only is it used in different cosmetic products, but researchers are also studying this essential oil for its other health benefits.
The evergreen Arborvitae (Thuja plicata) is a woody, warm, and deeply grounding oil. The distillation derives the natural element, methyl thujate which is a substance with anti-inflammatory properties. Then, when you dilute the essential oil and apply it to the points of inflammation, it helps to soothe the pain.
You may also use it topically to restore the radiance of the skin while repelling any insects. If you are feeling under the weather, inhaling this essential oil helps calm down the nerves while uplifting your spirit and leaving you feeling rooted just like the trees that produce this mesmerizing aromatic oil.
About Arborvitae Essential Oil

The literal meaning of Arborvitae is the ‘tree of life.’ Many know the timber of arborvitae for its high natural resistance toward decay, appealing appearance, and aroma. Keep in mind that because the arborvitae essential oil derives from a tree, the aroma is earthy, warm, and woody. Also, if you have a sharp nose, you may notice a sweet undertone to this oil, making it a wonderfully complex fragrance.
Since the essential oil is more of a woodsy nature, the fragrance is grounding and calming. If you are looking for an essential oil that has amazing purifying and cleansing properties, then this one is a perfect pick.
Where Do We Find This Wonderful Oil?
The arborvitae tree is a native of Canada and China and reaches huge heights of up to 100-200 feet. This is the largest tree in the family of Cypress that grows up to one foot in diameter. However, it finds its main use in the United States as a barrier shrub for landscaping purposes.
The Arborvitae essential oil comes from the Northwest Pacific of the United States. Though the plant is native to Canada and China, there is robust and sustainable lumber and timber industry based entirely on Arborvitae trees in several pockets of the Pacific Northwest.
First, they chop the wood down for lumber and the remaining sawdust, which is the by-product. In fact, several years ago, the sawdust was burned as waste. Now, they use the burned sawdust to develop the essential oil. In fact, the whole production process is pure and clean. They collect the end waste product and use it to create paper. To sum it up, the entire Arborvitae tree finds use in one form or the other.
The Tree of Life is simply majestic. In fact, all people of the Great Pacific Northwest greatly respect this tree. Traditionally, Native Americans use every part of this tree for its many health benefits. It’s also useful for make basket making, vessels, totem poles, and clothing. However, processing the sawdust for Arborvitae essential oils is a newer practice.
What are the Benefits of Arborvitae Essential Oil?
Arborvitae essential oil has many benefits. Some of them are as follows:
- A wonderful natural preservative that protects wood from rotting. If you have expensive wooden furniture at your place, use arborvitae essential oil to keep it safe.
- If you are feeling stress, a few drops of this oil are sufficient to inspire the amazing feeling of calmness and peace.
- It also acts as a strong and powerful cleansing agent.
- It cleans and purifies the air and your surroundings.
- Also, if you are looking for a serene and calm environment, spray some Arborvitae essential oil diffused in a carrier oil and you get a perfect atmosphere.
- It also promotes healthy and glowing skin.
- The oil is a natural bug repellent.
- It protects the body against any environmental or seasonal risks.
- It soothes the upsetting emotions while bringing calm to the body.
How to Use the Arborvitae Essential Oil.
Now let’s talk about how to use Arborvitae essential oil to make the most of it:
- Combine Arborvitae oil with lemongrass oil or citronella oil and jojoba oil and you can use this combination as a natural bug repellent.
- While meditating, sprinkle a few drops of this essential oil around you for a sense of calm and peace.
- While gardening, mix a few drops in the mulch to keep away the pesky bugs.
- When you practice yoga, you can use this essential oil on your pulse points to relax your nerves.
- Feeling stressed at work? Add a few drops to your diffuser necklace and feel the difference.
- Keep unwanted insects and odors away from your home by using Arborvitae essential oil in an air diffuser.
- Before sleeping, put a drop on your palm, rub your hands together, and then deeply inhale the oil to relieve stress and have a great sleep.
Where to Find This Essential Oil.
The Arborvitae essential oil is in demand these days. If you are planning to give it a try or already use this oil for its amazing benefits, then you can always source the oil from an online store with a good reputation. However, it is also highly important to read reviews and do your research before using any essential oil.
It’s also an earth-friendly idea to check for sustainable materials in the manufacturing process. This will tell you if the product is genuine and brings no harm to the environment.
Thank you for visiting today and remember, together we light the way to relieving the anxiety and stress from trauma by achieving spirit, mind, and body balance.
Precautions to take when using Arborvitae essential oil
Remember, you must dilute most essential oils before using.
The Skin Patch Test • Infographic

How to Apply Essential Oils Topically • Infographic

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