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When I think about competition or cooperation, the thought that continues to go through my mind is that the behavior of competition is loosing to cooperation. I feel in my heart that competition along with angry threats or terrorism is breaking down. In fact, I think it’s a global paradigm shift. If you feel this happening, I invite you to continue reading and learn more about the ways this may be happening.

Competition or Cooperation • Which Will You Choose?

We are all aware that the world is a competitive place, filled with nations vying for power, resources, and influence. However, over the past few decades, a shift is taking place that is changing the landscape of the global awareness. The rise of a global mindset, grounded in cooperation and collaboration instead of competition and conflict, is leading to a new era of international relations. From the Paris Climate Agreement to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, we are seeing unprecedented levels of cooperation among nations and organizations.

This shift is not only changing the way we think about international relations, but it is also transforming the way we do business, educate our children, and approach the challenges facing our planet. In this article, we will explore the factors driving this global mindset shift, the implications of this shift, and what it means for the future of our world.

The shift from competition to cooperation is a natural result of the global mindset shift. As people and organizations recognize the importance of working together to achieve common goals, they move away from a competitive mindset that focuses on individual success. At the same time, they move towards a collaborative mindset that values cooperation and teamwork. This shift is not only happening at the international level, but also within organizations. In fact, collaboration and teamwork is increasingly important worldwide.

What is a Cooperative or Inclusive Global Mindset?

First, it’s is a way of thinking that focuses on understanding and appreciating cultural differences, embracing diversity, and working together to achieve common goals. It’s also a mindset that recognizes the interconnectedness of the world and the importance of collaboration and cooperation in achieving success. Remember, this is not just about understanding different cultures and customs, it’s also about communicating effectively with people from different backgrounds, and different points of view.

Benefits and Challenges of a Cooperative Global Mindset

The Benefits

First and foremost, it helps to promote peace and stability in the world. When nations and organizations work together to achieve common goals, they are less likely to engage in conflict and more likely to find peaceful solutions to problems.

Additionally, a cooperative global mindset shift helps to promote economic growth and development, as countries and companies work together to create new opportunities and expand markets. Finally, it helps promote environmental sustainability, as nations and organizations work together to address the global challenges facing our planet.

The Challenges

While there are benefits, there are also challenges. One of the biggest challenges is the cultural barriers that exist between different countries and organizations. Naturally, such barriers often make it difficult to communicate effectively and lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations.

Another challenge is the resistance to change. It goes without saying that it’s difficult to convince people to embrace a new way of thinking, especially if they have a very strong competitive mindset.

Embracing Competition or Cooperation at the Corporate Level

Many corporations are already embracing a global mindset of cooperation and of course, realizing the benefits. One such company is Unilever, which embraces sustainability and the UN Sustainable Development Goals as part of its business strategy.

By launching a a number of initiatives aimed at promoting community development and environmental sustainability, Coca Cola is leading this effort, as well.

These companies recognize that a global mindset is not just good for the world, but it’s also good for business.

Strategies for a Global Mindset of Cooperation

Just like any change, it never seems to happen fast enough. This is no different. So, yes, shifting to a global mindset of cooperation takes time and effort, but there are strategies that can help. One strategy is focusing on building cultural awareness and understanding. We can do this through education and training programs that teach people about different cultures and customs.

Another strategy is encouraging collaboration and teamwork within organizations. By working together on projects and initiatives, people learn to appreciate the value of teamwork and cooperation.

Finally, it’s important to be open to new ideas and different points of view. This is challenging, but essential for developing a global mindset of cooperation.

An interesting place to start to change from competition to cooperation and one that is taking place in many companies around the world, is to offer a variety of trainings that are designed with this in mind. Some such trainings are as follows:

Crucial Conversations

Crucial Conversations is a training program that teaches skills for creating alignment and agreement by fostering open dialogue around high-stakes, emotional, or risky topics. It is based on the bestselling book “Tools for Talking When Stakes are High” and helps individuals and teams to surface and discuss ideas, resolve disagreements, and build acceptance rather than resistance. The course teaches nine powerful skills for working through disagreement to achieve better results. 

Crucial Accountability

This is another program from Crucial Learning, the creators of Crucial Conversations. It provides additional training on how to hold others accountable, address violations effectively, and ensure expectations are met

7 Habits of Highly Effective People

This very popular program, developed by FranklinCovey, is based on the book by Stephen R. Covey. It helps individuals and organizations achieve effectiveness by aligning themselves with universal and timeless principles.

New Employee Welcome Experience

This program is designed to help new employees understand the culture and expectations of the organization. The New Employee Experience (NEE) is a six-month program designed to help accelerate new hire productivity. It features a series of four learning experiences, curated with key resources and takeaways to make the first days — and months — of employment impactful, informative, and fun.

How a Cooperative Global Mindset Affects Businesses

Statistics show that companies that embrace a cooperative global mindset are more successful in today’s global economy. In fact, taking this shift gives them amazing opportunities to tap into new markets, work with partners from different parts of the world, and create products and services that are tailored to the needs of different cultures and communities.

Additionally, companies that embrace a global mindset are more sustainable and socially responsible, which helps to build brand loyalty and customer trust. That’s a win-win for everyone.

The Role of Technology in a Global Mindset of Cooperation

Technology plays a key role in the global mindset shift. With the rise of social media, it’s easier than ever for people to connect with each other around the world. This organically breaks down cultural barriers and makes it easier for people to share ideas and collaborate on projects.

Interestingly, technology also makes it easier for companies to do business on a global scale. They use digital platforms to connect with partners and customers from different parts of the world. What’s more, they use data analytics to create products and services that are tailored to the needs of different cultures and communities.

Gregg Braden: From Competition to Cooperation • Video

On the subject of cooperation, I want to share the source of my train of thought on this topic. I recently watched a series on the Gaia Channel hosted and written by Gregg Brandon, who is now my favorite modern scientist. I have no rights over this video. It is for education and enjoyment only.

I hope that our collective awareness is changing from one of competition to one of cooperation. Because, actions based purely on competition and anger to provoke the competition are failing miserably. Systems are breaking down and I don’t think lack of funding has as much to do with as the old system of competition simply isn’t working anymore.

Citizens are Tired of War

Whether we’re talking about a common citizen or a member of the military forces, people are sick and tired of war. Furthermore, people no longer want to be a cog in the wheel of their governments. Rather, they want freedom of choice. Instead, the majority of humans in this world get no participation in the deathly decisions that are made on their behalf by their governments.

The point is, I believe that we live in a time of a global paradigm shift from competition to cooperation. Individuals want freedom and not only for the individuals in “power.” All earthly beings deserve the same respect and opportunities. We live in a day and age when that’s actually possible.

We can’t continue to “get angry” and kill mass numbers of people to bring about change, peace, or cooperation. Life doesn’t work that way! It never has. It never will. Peace! ✌️ Namaste! 🙏


The global mindset shift is transforming the way we think about international relations, business, and the world as a whole. It’s a shift that is grounded in cooperation and collaboration, and it is leading to a new era of global prosperity and sustainability. While there are challenges to be addressed, the benefits of a global mindset are clear. By embracing a global mindset, we organically create a better world for ourselves and future generations. Competition or cooperation is a huge subject but a very exciting one to follow in our lifetime as we see the shift happening!

It is our wish that you find this post enlightening and helpful. If you have any questions or suggestions, we love to hear from you in the comments below. Also, kindly accept our invitation to join our group on Facebook to surround yourself with kindred spirits and post your encouraging messages.

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If graphic images, videos, and audios are used in this post, they are sourced from either Adobe Images or Canva Pro.

This post may also include a YouTube video for which I do not claim ownership. It is for entertainment and educational purposes only. 



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Susan Daniels

As someone who is on my own journey of healing, I know how important it is to seek out guidance and understanding. This website is for just that – an inclusive resource for anyone, regardless of their background, who wants to embark on a lifestyle journey of healing and personal growth.

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