How to Increase Your Empathy for Healthy Relationship Balance

Successful Understanding of Empathy for Strong Relationships

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If you want to increase your empathy, then you are aware that it’s important for building deeper and stronger relationships in your life. In fact, the ability to recognize, understand, and share the thoughts and feelings of another person or animal is an important life skill.

In this article, we learn about the importance of empathy, how it develops in children, and the difference between empathy and sympathy. Also, we also introduce ways to increase empathy, build empathy in relationships, and how to overcome limitations. So, if this interests you, continue reading to learn how to increase your empathy for a more balanced life.

Why is it Important to Increase Your Empathy?

The importance of empathy is not something to ignore if you want deep and meaningful connections. Of course, the obvious reason is that empathy helps us connect with and help others. However, it’s also a fantastic “social antenna” that helps you detect danger. From an evolutionary viewpoint, creating a mental model of another person’s intent is important for survival. Whereas, the arrival of something dangerous, for example, might be deadly. So, developing sensitivity to the signals of others is actually life-saving.

Now, fast forward to modern times, empathy is important for cooperation, building friendships, making moral decisions, and intervening when we others need our help.

How do Children Develop Empathy?

Babies display an understanding that people’s actions have intentions, and they act on that understanding before they are 18 months old. Amazingly, that also includes trying to comfort a parent. More advanced reasoning about other people’s thoughts develops by around age 5 or 6. Another interesting fact is that research shows that parents who promote and model empathy raise more empathetic children.

Unfortunately, we must also be aware that some people often feel greater empathy for those like themselves. Conversely, they may feel less empathy for those outside their family, community, ethnicity, or race.

What’s the Difference Between Empathy and Sympathy?

Empathy, sympathy, and compassion are often interchangeable, but they are not the same. First, sympathy is feeling of concern for someone else, and a desire that they are happier. However, empathy involves sharing the other person’s emotions. Compassion is an empathic understanding of a person’s feelings and a desire to help that person.

Is it Possible to Increase Your Empathy?

Researchers believe people cultivate and prioritize empathy. People who spend more time with individuals different from themselves tend to adopt a more empathic outlook toward others. Additionally, research finds that reading novels gives us the ability to put ourselves in the minds of others. Also, amazingly, meditation helps cultivate brain states that increase empathy.

What are Mirror Neurons?

Some neuroscientists promote the concept of “mirror neurons” as a possible source of empathy. The theory is that these neurons enhance the capacity to display, read, and mimic emotional signals through facial expressions and other forms of body language. But whether mirror neurons actually operate this way in humans is a subject of longstanding scientific debate, and some scientists question their very existence.

Why is it Important to Increase Your Empathy in Relationships?

The ability to convey support for a partner, relative, or friend is the healthy route to positive relationships. In fact, empathy enables us to establish rapport while making them feel that you hear them. Also, through words and body language, you actually mimic their emotions.

How does Empathy Benefit Romantic Relationships?

Perspective-taking, or the empathic ability to assume the cognitive state of another person and see a problem through their eyes, can further cement a connection. In healthy relationships, people expect their partners to empathize with them when they face personal struggles. But, the ability to empathize with a partner in good times may be at least as important.

In one study, displaying empathy for a partner’s positive emotions was five times more beneficial for relationship satisfaction than only empathizing with his or her negative emotions.

Can People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder Show Empathy?

People with narcissistic personality disorder, often exhibit empathy and even compassion. However, that ability only goes so far, as ultimately their own needs come first.

Some researchers believe people with narcissistic personality disorder do develop greater empathy by developing self-compassion. The result is that they increase their own feelings of security which enables them to hear others.

Successful Understanding of Empathy for Strong Relationships Share on X

The Downside of Empathy

Of course, putting yourself in someone else’s shoes is beneficial But, when it is one’s default mode of relating to others, it blinds an individual to their own needs. Unfortunately, this results in vulnerability to those who take advantage of them.

Too Empathic, or Not Enough?

First responders, humanitarian aid workers, doctors, therapists, journalists, and others whose work involves opening themselves up to others’ pain tend to be highly empathic. However, they may come to share the heartbreak of those they help or whose stories they record. As such, “emotional residue” accumulates, they may shut down, burn out, and become less willing or able to give of themselves.

Can People Run Out of Empathy?

Empathy depletion over time, especially for those in high-emotion professions, occurs frequently. Therefore, it is essential to recognize signs of burnout and take steps to replenish one’s emotional reserves. Accomplishing this includes seeking support from friends, family, or professional help.

Are You a Highly Empathic Person?

Empaths are highly sensitive and often overly focus on the needs of others. To avoid burnout, they may benefit from time alone, as they find it draining to be in the presence of other people. People who are very empathic are often, unfortunately, targets of manipulative individuals. In fact, manipulative people seem to have “radar” that zeros in on empathetic people.

How to Overcome the Limitations of Empathy

For individuals who struggle with the downsides of empathy, there are ways to overcome these limitations and maintain a healthy balance in relationships. Some great suggestions follow below.

Establishing Boundaries

It is important to create healthy boundaries in all relationships, and increase awareness of relationships with “energy vampires,” who are draining to empaths and non-empaths . Fortunately, setting limits on how much time and energy you invest in others preserves your emotional well-being.

Self-Care and Emotional Regulation

Taking care of oneself spiritually, mentally, and physically is essential for maintaining empathy. In fact, engaging in activities that promote relaxation, self-reflection, and emotional regulation, such as meditation, exercise, or spending time in nature, helps replenish emotional reserves and maintain a healthy level of empathy.

Seeking Professional Help

For those who find themselves struggling with the balance between empathy and self-care, seeking the guidance of a mental health professional is a good tactic. In fact, by developing strategies for managing empathy, establishing boundaries, and maintaining emotional well-being, empaths live a full and enjoyable lifestyle.


In conclusion, empathy is a vital skill for establishing and maintaining healthy relationships and fostering compassion. Understanding the importance of empathy, developing it in oneself and others, and learning to manage its limitations are key to living a fulfilling and connected life.

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Susan Daniels

As someone who is on my own journey of healing, I know how important it is to seek out guidance and understanding. This website is for just that – an inclusive resource for anyone, regardless of their background, who wants to embark on a lifestyle journey of healing and personal growth.

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