A Step-by-Step Guide to Rejuvenate Your Skin

A Step-by-Step Guide to Rejuvenate Your Skin

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When you enter your late 20s or early 30s, wrinkle treatment lotions and creams become a part of the beauty regime. Choosing between an acid-based gel, vitamin C serum, and anti-aging moisturizer can be a real struggle. But with their chemical composition, they can have side-effects as well on the skin. So, if you are looking for a natural way to rejuvenate your skin, you might consider concocting your own anti-aging treatment serum with essential oils.

These essential oils help remove fine lines and minimize wrinkles. Apart from this, these essential oils even out the skin tone, reduce inflammation, boost collagen, protect skin from environmental damage, and promote the creation of healthy skin cells.

Below, you will get a step-by-step recipe for mixing skin rejuvenating oils for your own special blend. Simply chose one from each group and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for methods of mixing and diluting.

A step-by-step guide to rejuvenate your skin.

Step 1 • An antioxidant base.

Most of us already know the importance of antioxidant-rich foods such as green vegetables and berries. This is because of their free radicals fighting properties. In a similar fashion, antioxidants work amazingly on wrinkles. They control the cell-damaging free-radicals and give skin a beautiful glow. Present abundantly in essential oils, these antioxidants help prevent damage to skin due to pollution, smoke, and sunlight.

We’ve gleaned the internet and bring our research to you. Here are some interesting ways to rejuvenate your skin.

➳ Rosemary essential oils.

Also known for its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, rosemary oil is a must-have for skin. Its oxidative properties prevent damage causing free radicals. Available in the form of essential oil, rosemary increase blood circulation and reduces inflammation in the skin cells.

➳ Lemon essential oils.

Lemon is a highly potent antioxidant and is also rich in Vitamin-C. It is one of the main ingredients of almost all over-the-counter anti-aging creams and lotions. According to a recent study, the essential oil of lemon has both antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. But avoid using lemon essential oil or any such citrusy oil if you are stepping out in the sun.

➳ Clary sage essential oils.

Clary sage belongs to the same family as that of usual sage, though the taste and medicinal properties of Clary sage are entirely different. Additionally, Clary sage has amazing antioxidant properties that prevent protein and DNA damage. When used as an essential oil on the skin, it can turn out to be a great anti-aging serum.

Step 2 • Moisturizing and rejuvenating oil.

Lack of moisture in the skin is a major reason behind fine lines and wrinkles. Regular use of essential oils restores the moisture level of skin, thus reducing wrinkles and improving the overall complexion. When your skin is properly hydrated, it becomes smoother and wrinkle-free over the time.

➳ Rose essential oils.

When it comes to flowers, no other species can beat the popularity of roses. Not only they symbolize eternal love, but several types of roses are also known for their medicinal properties. The extracts of Damascus roses have antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Rose oil is also known to be an anxiety and pain reliever. This oil also boosts the process of cell renewal, which is essential for glowing skin. Rose oil also has anti-inflammatory properties that can work wonders on stressed skin.

➳ Sandalwood essential oils.

For ages, sandalwood oil is known for its medicinal benefits and has been used to treat several skin-related diseases. It has naturally occurring emollients that contribute to the moisturizing property of this oil. These emollients help the skin retain water, thus keeping it hydrated. The oil of sandalwood also has amazing astringent effects which keep skin hydrated and free from dead cells.

➳ Geranium essential oils.

Geranium has garnered much popularity in the past few years as a cold remedy. Due to the anti-inflammatory properties of geranium oil, it has found its use in treating bronchitis and sinusitis. Researchers are also studying the oil for its moisture-retaining and skin-cell renewal properties, especially for people who suffer from chronic acne issues.

Step 3 • A Carrier Oil.

Before you start your essential oil beauty regime, the essential oil must be diluted with a carrier oil. A carrier oil reduces the concentration of an essential oil so that it doesn’t have any side-effect on the skin and also makes it last longer. Also, a carrier oil has various moisturizing properties; consider adding a carrier oil as the cherry on top of the cake for your wrinkle-fighting beauty treatment.

➳ Jojoba oil.

The jojoba plant is a folk medicinal plant and is known for its seeds’ waxy texture. Humans have used jojoba for a long time to treat different skin diseases. The seeds of jojoba are rich in moisture, making it the perfect carrier oil for other essential oils. When the skin is moisturized, the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines reduces to a greater extent. Jojoba oil is also beneficial in treating acne, skin lesions, fighting inflammation, and stimulating collagen in the skin.

➳ Vitamin E oil.

We all know about the nutritional and antioxidant properties of Vitamin E. So much so, this vitamin helps reducing cholesterol levels, thus keeping the heart-healthy. In the oil form, Vitamin E can help repair the skin when applied topically. Vitamin E oil not just eves the skin tone, it also fights free radicals present in the skin that can lead to skin cancer. When used as a carrier oil, it enhances the rejuvenating properties of the essential oil.

➳ Apricot oil.

If you want extra pampering for your skin, then select apricot oil as the carrier oil. Extracted from seeds of apricot fruit, the oil has very high levels of Vitamin E. Apart from this, apricot oil is rich in oleic acid and linoleic acid, the two essential fatty acids that can give you the benefit of clear skin. The presence of both fatty acids makes it a perfect pick for those who have dry skin. And if you have both dry skin and fine lines, then you are in for some added benefits from apricot oil.

Ways to Rejuvenate Your Skin • Share Your Results

Making essential oils a part of your beauty regime can give you benefits no cosmetic products can give. But before using one, you should know your skin. So, be sure to use good skin patch testing practices. Then, use these oils on a regular basis and keep track of what works for you and what doesn’t. Be patient and give it time for the best results. Thanks for reading.



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Susan Daniels

Susan Daniels

As someone who is on my own journey of healing, I know how important it is to seek out guidance and understanding. This website is for just that – an inclusive resource for anyone, regardless of their background, who wants to embark on a lifestyle journey of healing and personal growth.

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