Beautiful Souls Life is a site about PTSD, trauma, anxieties, and depression. In my efforts to market this site through social media, I have styled many graphic images with quotes about PTSD. In honor of Women’s History Month, I’m sharing quotes from women who know about PTSD.
Many years ago, one of my supervisors noticed how much I loved quotes. So, for my birthday one year, she gave me a small, beautiful book of wonderful quotes. Oh, how I prized that gift so highly.
At the time, it was nearly impossible for me to sit down and read a book. I simply didn’t have enough patience so I had to move fast or not at all. Needless-to-say, it was a difficult journey for me as it is for anyone with PTSD.
However, that one small gift brought a ray of sunshine to each day when I opened my little book of quotes and found encouragement, inspiration, and ability to move forward with a lighter step in my day.
I Share Because I Care
Today, I still love quotes and I especially love to share them with others. It’s how I show that I care about someone. Sometimes, I find it difficult to find the words to express what I’m feeling, but that’s when somehow, somewhere, the Universe sends me a message through a quote and that’s one of the many small miracles in my life for which I am so grateful.
The Authors Behind the Women Who Know About PTSD
Quotes are powerful tools to quickly insert a jolt of wisdom into any published content. But, it’s also interesting to know a little bit about the person behind the quote. And, sometimes, what’s even more interesting is the story behind the quote.
Each quote shown below is followed by a bit of trivia and interesting facts about the person quoted. In addition, there is a link to a recent publication by the author that you can reach by clicking through the name of the book or the quote image.
• Trauma Expert • Helps people heal from traumatic stress • Susan Pease Banitt, LCSW

Susan Pease Banitt is a social worker, psychotherapist and author who specializes in the treatment of severe trauma and PTSD. Additionally, she has worked in the field of mental health for more than four decades in diverse settings: inpatient, outpatient, and medical with adults and children, and trained in the Harvard medical teaching hospitals in Boston, MA. She is also a Karuna Reiki® Master, Kripalu trained yoga teacher (RYT 200), and shamanic healer in the Celtic tradition.In addition Susan studied Past Life Regression Therapy with Dr. Brian Weiss.
“Traumatic events, by definition, overwhelm our ability to cope. When the mind becomes flooded with emotion, a circuit breaker is thrown that allows us to survive the experience fairly intact, that is, without becoming psychotic or frying out one of the brain centers. The cost of this blown circuit is emotion frozen within the body. In other words, we often unconsciously stop feeling our trauma partway into it, like a movie that is still going after the sound has been turned off. We cannot heal until we move fully through that trauma, including all the feelings of the event.”
― Susan Pease Banitt
The Trauma Tool Kit – Healing PTSD from the Inside Out • Wisdom, Attachment, and Love in Trauma Therapy: Beyond Evidence-Based Practice
• An American psychiatrist, researcher, teacher, and author • Judith Lewis Herman, Psychiatrist

Judith Lewis Herman focuses on the understanding and treatment of incest and traumatic stress. Herman is Professor of clinical psychiatry at Harvard University Medical School and Director of Training at the Victims of Violence Program in the Department of Psychiatry at the Cambridge Health Alliance in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and a founding member of the Women’s Mental Health Collective.
After a traumatic experience, the human system of self-preservation seems to go onto permanent alert, as if the danger might return at any moment.”
– Judith Lewis Herman
• One of the foremost experts on terrorism • Jessica Stern

Jessica Stern serves on the Hoover Institution Task Force on National Security and Law. In 2009, she was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship for her work on trauma and violence. She has authored Terror In The Name of God: Why Religious Militants Kill, selected by the New York Times as a notable book of the year; and numerous articles on terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. She served on President Clinton’s National Security Council Staff in 1994-95.
“Some people’s lives seem to flow in a narrative; mine had many stops and starts. That’s what trauma does. It interrupts the plot. You can’t process it because it doesn’t fit with what came before or what comes afterwards.”
– Jessica Stern
It is our wish that you find Women Who Know About PTSD enlightening and helpful. If you have any questions or suggestions, we love to hear from you in the comments below. Also, kindly accept our invitation to join our group on Facebook to surround yourself with kindred spirits and post your encouraging messages.