12 Essential Reasons to Journal for An Amazing Lifestyle • Free Journal

12 Essential Reasons to Journal for An Amazing Lifestyle

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Keeping a daily journal is an excellent source for stress relief techniques using natural resources and good common sense.

Because success in any activity reduces drastically when stress takes over, understanding these stress relief techniques is useful for most people.

But also, for those of us who live with high anxieties on a regular basis, every little bit helps and is a most welcome relief.

Motivating Reasons to Journal

1. Clear Your Thoughts and Feelings.

Do you ever feel like you are just jumbled up inside? The truth is, people with anxieties often feel jumbled up inside. Journaling is a great way to perceive things more clearly and in a different light.

2. Get To Know Yourself Better.

Do you have a hard time figuring out what makes you happy and content? Tracking your emotions and actions through journaling is great way to figure out what makes you tick.

3. Help Eliminate Stress.

Stress has been known throughout history to have major negative effects on humans in addition to the fact that we pass them on to our children in our DNA.

4. Learn To Handle And Solve More Problems Effectively.

To become a better problem solver, you need to train your mind. You must cultivate and preserve the right thoughts and proceed with the right action. Why not try journaling and see if your ability to handle difficult situations improves?

5. Become More Empathetic to Others.

There is probably nothing worse than feeling down on yourself and you often times feel this way after a disagreement with a loved one. Journaling allows you to diffuse these confusing emotions and feel more empathy towards not only others, but towards yourself as well.

6. Be More Creative.

Have you ever heard of someone keeping a dream journal? Many famous authors and writers practice this tactic from time to time. Dream journals can be both fascinating and revealing.

7. Improve Your Outlook On Life.

Journaling also helps you improve your outlook on life by becoming more in touch with the world around you without undue stress. In fact, stress is diffused when you journal, so naturally, the world becomes a more beautiful place.

8. Better Identify Your Problems.

Pretty much everyone is going to have problems in their life. You’re no different. So, instead of focusing on what others might be doing to you, why not focus on your own behaviors and see what good things come of that.

9. Become a Problem Solver.

You are most likely already aware that problems in your life spiral out of control if you don’t deal with them. Journaling is a fantastic way of getting on top of problem solving in your life.

10. Overcome Anxiety.

One of the most common reasons people start journaling for mental health is because they’re dealing with anxiety. So, naturally, turning to a daily journal to work out these mental health issues helps reveal behaviors in yourself that are contributing to your anxieties.

11. Put Things in Perspective.

People with anxieties naturally blow things out of proportion. There is a good chance that you do the same. For example, if you find yourself over-exaggerating in response to stressful events, you know it’s time to journal!

12. ‘Natural’ is Preferred over Pharmaceutical

Personally, I’m not interested in become a guinea pig for modern pharmaceuticals without many more years of trials. That’s why it’s important to continue to pursue natural stress relief techniques and I believe you will find that journaling is one of the best!

Tip o’ the Hat to Mellowed.com

Shopping Suggestions

➼ Bonus: Free Bullet Journal PDF Download

It’s little tools like this that serve to make a positive difference in your days. When journaling about feelings and thoughts around current events, it also serves to relieve a great deal of inner turmoil and therefore stress.

Through the use of daily journals, some report that they are able to identify triggers and responses which helps in reducing recurrences of anxieties. It’s also a great way to track your life from day to day and look back to see where you’re improving or perhaps need more work.

To use these journals, find a quiet space to be alone with your thoughts and unwind. Take some deep breaths. You might even burn some incense. Then, sit down with pencil or pen and print out in hand and begin your journal. If you don’t have a quiet space set aside in your home for reflection or meditation, perhaps now is a good time to consider it.

Select the image below to get a PDF in your next tab. Then, simply download it and use for your enjoyment.

Bullet Journal for Beautiful Souls Life

➼ About downloading and printing your free journal.

The journals I design are usually in an 8.5″X11″ size for easy printing. Of course, you’re perfectly welcome to print it in gray-scale if you don’t want to use all your color ink. You can also print only your favorite pages and leave the rest! It’s entirely up to you. This is your daily journal so make it your own.

Then, you can punch three holes in them and put them in a binder. In fact, the cover image and the last page are great for a front and back insert into a clear view binder! Below is an “Earths Choice” option made with plant-based plastic.


It is our wish that you find this post enlightening and helpful. If you have any questions or suggestions, we love to hear from you in the comments below. Also, kindly accept our invitation to join our group on Facebook to surround yourself with kindred spirits and post your encouraging messages.

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If graphic images, videos, and audios are used in this post, they are sourced from either Adobe Images or Canva Pro.

This post may also include a YouTube video for which I do not claim ownership. It is for entertainment and educational purposes only. 



Get your free eBook: 4 Proven Ways to Relax and Beat Stress in as Little as 10 Minutes Per Day

Subscribe to our newsletter to get your printable 39-page eBook contains tips for relaxing that are both low-cost and easy to do. It also contains Bonus sections for daily and weekly planners and gratitude quotes for meditation. The size is 8.5" x 11" so all you have to do is print it out and put it in a notebook. 💛💛💛

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Susan Daniels

Susan Daniels

As someone who is on my own journey of healing, I know how important it is to seek out guidance and understanding. This website is for just that – an inclusive resource for anyone, regardless of their background, who wants to embark on a lifestyle journey of healing and personal growth.

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