Easy Ways to Reduce Your Post-Holiday Stress

Easy Ways to Reduce Your Post-Holiday Stress

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I still think this year is better than the last! However, while the pandemic enters its final waves, Americans are sadly realizing that we’ve lost more men, women, and children than were lost in World War II. Along with that staggering thought is the complication of staying home and staying safe and most are finding it increasingly unbearable. This makes it more important than ever to find effective ways to reduce your post-holiday stress level. So there is no better time to Learn ways to reduce your post-holiday stress

Below, you will learn about relaxing essentials and decluttering for this new year!

Relaxing Essentials that help ease Post-Holiday Stress

Acknowledge Your Feelings

Acknowledging your feelings is so important. Stuffing them only leads to even harsher feelings when they finally release. Moreover, it’s normal to cry during these times when things are so tough all over for so many people.

Allow yourself to cry. Crying empties out the stress and makes space for more golden feelings to fill it back up. Isn’t that a nice visual? It’s also very effective in calming and relaxing the mind. If I am especially sad about something, I allow myself to cry for a few minutes and then I tell myself it’s time to stop and get back to life. There are times when I find the need to give myself time to cry several days in a row! So, let those feelings out in a place where you feel safe.

Sit down and have a good, long cry that empties the negative feelings from you body and spirit. Then, envision the Universe filling you back up with warm, glowing stardust from the heavens.

— Susan Daniels

Journaling allows you to write it out which gives a much better perspective than only letting your feelings rule the day. It’s way of decluttering your mind and organizing your thoughts. It does, however, involve slowing down for that brief time when you are journaling. I mention that because if you live with high anxieties, you know how hard “slowing down” can be.


Box Breathing For instant relief

This is a technique that is new to me. Interestingly, this technique is in use by elite military people while experiencing extreme stress. Of course, there’s also a whole school of thought around it, but the technique itself is quite simple.

You will also see it referred to as square breathing or four-square breathing. It involves taking in a slow breath to the count of four, holding it for a count of four, then releasing it for a count of four, and again, holding your breath for a count of four. Continue repeating until your anxiety passes.

Remarkably, it also aids people in their meditation as it relaxes and allows the mind to enter into a meditative state. But, for calming down under dire circumstances, it is so effective that it is in widespread use among athletes, Navy SEALS, nurses, and police officers.

  1. Slowly inhale.
  2. Hold your breath to the count of four.
  3. Exhale through your mouth to the count of four.
  4. Hold your breath again to the count of four.
  5. Repeat.
Easy Ways to Reduce Your Post-Holiday Stress Level Share on X

Work With Your Budget

During the holidays, the enticement to overspend is quite strong. So, if you’ve overspent, then it’s time get back to budgeting and making plans for the New Year. Include in your budgeting a savings plan for the next holiday season. Of course, this will help deter you from overspending next year.

The fact is, if you experience high anxieties, overspending seems to come right along with the package. But, you can overcome that as well by planning ahead and making yourself more aware of your spending habits. Doing so is great way to decrease post-holiday anxieties.

However, be aware that there is a catch-22 with this and that is the “anxious” feeling you get when you “think” about budgeting. Don’t let this anxious feeling stop you from doing what you must do to take good care of yourself. Break through that wall of fear and do what you need to do. Here’s a visual for you:

Fear is 40 feet high and 40 feet wide but when you have the courage to walk through it, you find that it is paper thin.


Use Your Essential Oils

There is no better time than now to use your essential oils for relaxation and anti-anxiety. Incense is also a good option if you don’t have any essential oils on hand. Below are a few suggestions for you to consider.



Warm, burning candles with scents of the season are heart-warming and pleasant. So, save a few to burn after the holidays to help avoid the post-holiday blues.

Scents and smells are an integral part of our human experience so it only stands to reason that scented candles and essential oils are a must, especially during these times.

Declutter Your Intimate Environments

Do you know that de-cluttering your intimate environment reduces anxiety? Perhaps you know an obsessive-compulsive person who constantly arranges and rearranges or must have something in just the right spot – uh, like me :). But, do you know that their body and mind are automatically doing this because it releases stress for them?

Yes. Everyone can benefit from de-cluttering because it puts things in order which naturally lowers stress levels. As humans, our evolution includes our inherent quest for order – it’s in our DNA. So, when things get out of order it affects us in varying degrees. But in simple terms, it makes us anxious. The good news is, decluttering relieves anxiety.

Some people wait until after the holidays when all the gifts have been unwrapped and are crowding what’s already in your home. That’s a great time for sorting since it’s easier to get rid of something if you have something new and shiny to replace it.

But, what are you going to do with all this stuff when you’re through sorting?

What to Do With the Stuff

At least in cities (this might not apply to smaller towns), there is a fantastic option of furniture donation pickups. Below is a list of eight charities that pick up your stuff for free.

Don’t forget to get your tax deductions by asking the drivers for donation receipts. Rest assured they will have receipts on hand, so be sure to get yours.

Also, refer to the IRS’s rules on charitable contributions to be certain that you follow all the tax rules for claiming donations as a deduction.

Charities that Pick Up for Free

  1. GoGreenDrop.com
  2. SalvationArmyUSA.org
  3. Habitat.org
  4. Goodwill.org
  5. PickUpPlease.org
  6. Furniturebank.org
  7. TheArc.org
  8. AMVETSPickup.org

The No Drama Guide to Decluttering

The outline below will help you decide what to keep, donate, or trash. It’s a super-easy guideline to follow and implement for a stress-free, de-cluttered home!

Step 1: Set goals for decluttering

Step 2: Create a plan for decluttering

Step 3: Start with one room

Step 4: Sort items into categories

Step 5: Decide what to keep, donate, sell, or throw away

Step 6: Organize items in a practical way

Step 7: Create storage solutions

Step 8: Maintain a clutter-free environment

Step 9: Get rid of sentimental clutter

Step 10: Declutter your digital life

Step 11: Celebrate your progress

Step 12: Create your own list of tips for staying clutter-free

Remember there is always hope!

Remember, the pandemic is almost past and there is hope for the future. It’s a time to rebuild and make plans. The pandemic changed many things in regard to the way we do business. For example, several of the big tech companies are sticking with the work from home model and have actually let go of their leases for the big buildings.

Either way, remember, you’re in good company because millions around the world are going through all of this as well. What I believe is that we will, as humans, emerge stronger and wiser than before.

It is our wish that you find this post enlightening and helpful. If you have any questions or suggestions, we love to hear from you in the comments below. Also, kindly accept our invitation to join our group on Facebook to surround yourself with kindred spirits and post your encouraging messages.

Spread the love and hope

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This post may also include a YouTube video for which I do not claim ownership. It is for entertainment and educational purposes only. 



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Susan Daniels

Susan Daniels

As someone who is on my own journey of healing, I know how important it is to seek out guidance and understanding. This website is for just that – an inclusive resource for anyone, regardless of their background, who wants to embark on a lifestyle journey of healing and personal growth.

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